Chasing Matriarchy in Kihnu


Chasing Matriarchy in Kihnu


Language: English

Format: Illustrated booklet, A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)

Pages: 40

Hig quality digital print

Printed on 120 gr recycled paper


Chasing Matriarchy in Kihnu


Language: English

Format: Illustrated booklet, A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)

Pages: 40

High quality digital print

Printed on 120 gr recycled paper



Matriarchy is not a society where women are at the top of a hierarchical pyramid, because matriarchy is not the mirror of patriarchy. In a matriarchy, hierarchies simply do not exist: if matriarchy is a spiral, patriarchy is a line. In a matriarchy every life, every being, is considered to be part of a network of relations and pro cesses, because everything that exists is considered in terms of its relationship with everything else. In this booklet we delve deeper into this topic, through the study and observation of Kihnu society, defined by many people as the last matriarchy in Europe.