When we started to think about it, we decided that one of our values had to be about being environmental and socially sustainable. This is because we believe that our home, Earth Mother, really needs people who care for her and protect her. Our society, at the same time, need also to be greatly reorganized and we want to be part of the change.
We are, of course, aware that if you produce something, you will have an impact on the environment, still we did our best to reduce to the minimum impact on the environment and also to be virtuous on the social point of view.
We decided that our producers must be as close as possible to us, and we would choose only the best products with the minimum environmental repercussion. It goes without saying that we wanted everything to be absolutely plastic free.
So, for instance, our packaging envelops come from a Berliner producer, they are made with recycled paper and they are FSC® certified.
We decided to order from closer producers because we want the shipping to be the closest possible, and also because we want to enrich the territory we are living in: as now we live in Berlin, we want to make business with people close to us.
The same for our stickers, that are also made with a biodegradable paper that you can put directly into the organic waste.
We print with an archival, museum quality (Giclée print) on 100% cotton paper.
Shipping our items will produce an emission, this is why we are researching about how to balance with it: for instance we are thinking to donate a certain amount of our revenues to planting new trees.
I am so happy to say that this is a new way of making business, thinking about the consequences of what we are doing not to harm anything or no one, and even though we are not perfect – perfection is not the goal – our aim is to start the shifting of our mind set, plus of course create beauty with the lest possible damage to our beautiful Earth.
With the lifestyle of our current society we are destroying what must be the most precious thing to us, and together with it, we are killing a huge amount of species: this is why we need to change! We need our lives to change, we need our way of think to change: with our business, we want to be part of the change.
Here below there is the voice of an amazing bird from the Hawaii Island, the Kauaʻi ʻōʻō (Moho braccatus): it was the record of the last male specimen alive, that was singing to find a partner, and he never did because there was no other birds of its species left alive, except for him. Listening to his melody, and knowing his destiny, it is latterly a breaking heart experience. What was the reasons for the reason fro the Kauaʻi ʻōʻō extinction? I am sorry to say, it was humans – humans, who had alternated the status of the environment in the Hawaii islands.
Notes & Tips:
- Here is the sound of the last individual of Kauai Oo: Kauai Oo